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Rust Review (2023).

Rust a toxic pvp playground? Not so!

Rust has a reputation for being an unforgiving often brutal pvp playground (which is why many people love the game) but thats  not how it has has to be as we found when we revisted the game in 2023. We found it to be a pleasant surprise providing you choose a server that suits your play style. You can pick a server where you can completely avoid pvp if thats not your bag. The core elements of the game are extremely well thought out. It has great building/crafting options all set in a large beautifully rendered open world. If you want to avoid costant pvp action you can, so dont let the worry of griefers/trolls put you off.

News : Starfield- Todd doesnt like cod!(allegedly)

For heavens hake Todd... fishing?

Its a sad day for virtual fishermen everywhere. Earlier this month Todd Howard the gaming guru and head of Bethesda revealed something that most survival gamers will not be happy about. There were some fishcious rumors circulating but now its ofishal.  (sorry)

Which Survival Game should we review next?

You help us decide which open world survivial game we should play and review next next?

The Long Dark

The Long Dark is a classic survival game. One of the best open world sandbox survival game we have ever played.

No Man Sky

No Man Sky is a game deserves great credit. Im stuggling to think of a game that was more derised when first released but credit to the developers that stuck at it and updated and improved the game to make it one of the greatest open world survival game out there. Its hard not to wonder how it will stack up against starfield.

Survival Game Screenshots

Click the screenshot to view the review (coming soon).

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